Wednesday, January 2

Living a passionate life

I read an editorial on the HuffPost site the other day that posed the question: Is bad sex ever a good reason for divorce? I’m not married and my sex life is fine, so I wasn’t reading the article seeking the answer to that question. Actually, I don’t even know how I landed on that page so I wasn’t expecting to take anything away from the article at all. To my surprise, though, I had a major breakthrough after reading it.

The writer tells the story of a friend who decided to end her marriage because she and her husband weren’t having sex. The writer thought her friend was making a brash, unwise decision to break up her family. But for her friend, the decision to divorce was based on something deeper than the lack of sex. She no longer wanted to live her life without passion.

Passion. That was my takeaway and it’s my word for 2013. A life without passion is really not much of a life at all, is it?

I think the main reason my sweetheart and I work so well is because there’s so much passion between us. We like different things, we see the world differently, and outsiders may think we make the oddest couple ever. We fuss and argue just like any couple, but we always find room to laugh, build each other up and — because this is an anonymous post I’ll freely and proudly say this — we have sex like I’ve never experienced before in my life. It’s always with the same level of love, intensity and vulnerability that practically brings me to tears each time. He’s passionate about pleasing me and I him. Would I leave him if we lost that? Probably. It’s the same way I want to live the other areas of my life from now on, too — putting 110 percent into things I love and purging things that are routine, unchallenging, unfulfilling or just don’t “do it” for me. If I’m not passionate about it, I won’t fake the funk or go through the motions. If I lose passion for my day job (which is already starting to happen), it’s time to put the wheels in motion to find something else.  I want to live out loud this year and every year I’m blessed to see after this. Any other way is just not worth it.
I challenge you all to live your most passionate life, as well. Happy 2013, Gems!

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