Friday, December 14

Say "I'm Sorry"

I'm sorry...I apologize...My mistake...

Two word statements that are extremely hard for so many to say. Why is it that sometimes our pride is so strong that we find it difficult to apologize when we are truly in the wrong? Sometimes you don't even have to be in the wrong to apologize, you could say I'm sorry for the way that you responded when someone wrongs you.

Admitting to a wrong really does take a strong person and I feel that it makes one even stronger when that apology tears downs walls and weakens the other person's anger. Apologizing is one of those few races where it seems no one wants to be first. As for me, I like to live a happy life. I apologize and forgive because it makes my heart happy.

Are your relationships more important than your ego? 
Do you owe someone an apology for something that happened between you two? 
What are you waiting for? Be a better person and start today.

If you need some motivation to take that first step to saying I'm sorry, think about in the extreme. How would you feel if that person's life was taken away at this very moment? Would your ego still matter as much?

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