Tuesday, November 27

People Are Watching You

This is odd; folks are coming to me for relationship advice. Really? Let me explain to you why I am shocked. Throughout my life was never into relationship games, was never bothered about being single, and I used my single days to observe a lot. So when friends would come to me crying over relationship drama I would reach into my bag of observance and give the best advice possible. What did I get in response? Looks of “she has no idea what she is talking about.” Years later, I am extremely happily married and these same folks are still single and dealing with “drama.” I am not rejoicing in their pain nor am I bragging. I am only telling this background information in an attempt to explain why a person asking me for advice was weird.

When we got married, my husband and I agreed that our marriage was between two people and if any issues should arise that the entire block and all of twitter should know about it. We promised each other that we would communicate. In my opinion we have done a great job in keeping it that way. I will admit that we do both have our people that we vent to and go to for advice however; those individuals understand that we are in love and are just frustrated with situations not each other (there is a difference – I’ll touch on that in another post).

Moving on…recently, a number of friends asked me my thoughts and advice on their relationship situations. If it was not for the fact that these people are all in different circles I would have thought it was a set up. I was honored and humble to be made aware that there are people out there watching our marriage. It is typical to hear the bad things about marriage but what about the good? If you are married or on the way, always remember that those looking to be in your shoes are watching. Are you being the role model that you would want to have?

A happy marriage is a jigsaw puzzle that two people build each day… When both partners work lovingly together with the same picture in mind, all the pieces fit beautifully.
- Yvonne and George Levy

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